Sarah Kakadellis
LISS PhD Candidate, Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London
Sarah's project addresses the feasibility of food waste and bioplastics co-digestion for industrial anaerobic digestion within a bioeconomy framework. Her work focuses on identifying the current challenges to the adoption of bioplastics in food waste packaging application, bridging the gap between science, industry and policy.
MSc Student Supervision
MSc , Centre for Environmental and Sustainability, University of Surrey
2019/2020 - 2 students
MSc Environmental Policy, Centre for Environmental Policy, Imperial College London
2019/2020 - 1 student
"Understanding the role of vertical farming in building climate change resilience in our food system"
018/2019 - 3 students
​"Assessing the environmental impacts of conventional and biodegradable plastic food packaging when considering food waste"
"Assessment of Environmental Impacts of Vertical Farming by Utilisation of the Life Cycle Assessment Technique"
"Barriers for Underrepresented Groups Accessing Equal Employment in Natural Sciences"
2017/2018 - 3 students
"Assessing the Environmental Impacts of Bioenergy Crop Cultivation in Vertical Farming – A Life Cycle Assessment Perspective"
"Assessing the technical feasibilities and market viabilities of planting Miscanthus and hemp in vertical farming system"
"Preliminary study to explore the successes and failures of Egypt’s South Valley Development Project (SVDP) since 1997"

Group Members